Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Zumba: It's the time, It's the place, It's the motion*

Today's blog title was inspired by Grease lyrics (once a musical theater dork, always a musical theater dork).

Over a year and a half ago, my sister encouraged me to start attending a Zumba class with her. A former dancer who hadn't danced in years, I jumped on the opportunity. I was also psyched to find another form of exercise in addition to the love/hate "thing" I've had with running for many years.

It was love at first sight....or first salsa.

Though my dance style resembles that of the bouncy cheerleader I once was, the hip-rolling, shaking, pumping, and latin dance style came easily for me, and was surprisingly freeing. There's nothing like looking around a room filled with women of all ages and sizes moving their bodies in ways they may have never even thought possible, not worried about the image in the mirror, but having fun with the music.

I have now been teaching Zumba for a few months at Curves http://107604.zumba.com/ and most recently a dance studio, Dance Dynamics, and I have spread the love. While it is still fun, it's not an easy job. I've spent many hours listening to funky beats, dancing in the confined spaces of my apartment, cueing moves aloud to myself, and I've also spent a fair amount of money to look the part.

But I am molding bodies, as well as my own, and giving women encouragement. They give me encouragment in return. I guess I was meant to be a teacher: a teacher of writing by day, and a teacher of latin dance by night.

Whew! I am tired just thinking about it all, but I am happy to have the opporunity.

Haven't tried Zumba? You'll love it.


Monday, February 28, 2011

What Do You Love?

Like Ron Burgundy, I love many things (Scotch doesn't make the list). Of my loves, life is foremost, and then, as the title of my blog alludes, the list goes on.

Why lament?

Why not?!

Writing is therapeutic. No stress, obession, complaint, joy, regret, or just plain thought is too big or small to make it to the blog page. Right? Here I will find free, self-indulged therapy with the hope that others might reap a benefit or two, a yawn or two, a chuckle or two, or just enjoy a moment or two of mindless reading.

Also, after years of studying writing, writing because I had to, and now teaching writing, this is time to write because I want to. I'll coin the phrase, perhaps the mantra for this avenue, "unadulterated dishing." Of course, my thoughts will be edited because

a) I am a "grammar cop" by nature.
b) I wish to keep my job, friends, family, etc.
c) I don't want to look back on this and ask myself "What I was thinking?"

OK. FINE. I am already starting to ask, "What am I thinking," but I will move forward because, similar to my impulsive/compulsive shopping soirees, I just can't stop.

What do you love?

Blogging? Mindless reading? Me? :)

Well, for whatever reason you're here, welcome.